Friday, December 7, 2012

Payright – An alternative proposal of copyright, patent and trademark act to end the copyright piracy permanently.

Piracy of copyrighted and patented products is a major threat to the inventors, artists, musicians, writers and the investors. The main reason of piracy is some drawbacks of current patent, trademarks and copyright act. Patent of the invention and creative works has now become the monopoly of inventor. It is preventing the others to modify or develop the technical knowledge for the social welfare. Several reforms of patent and copyright laws were done in the last ten years, but it could not satisfy the people who are demanding a basic change in the policy. In their opinion, intellectual property rights laws should not only protect the inventor, but it should also consider the welfare of the society. Therefore, a section of people are seriously working to find out a permanent solution to end the copyright piracy permanently.
Recently, Erik Zoltán of Massachusetts Pirate and Zacqary Adam Green of New York Pirate Party jointly submitted a new proposal to end the piracy forever. The main content of the proposal is that the other people are allowed to monetize the creative work and inventions. The concept is to create an environment where the creative works and the new inventions can be exchanged with others freely without any limitations and the users of the intellectual properties have to pay a reasonable compensatory price to the creators for using their materials. They have named the system as “Payright” system.
The proposal has protected the interests of both the creators and user of new creations. Copyright or patent will protect the interest of creators and the “Payright” will enable the people to modify, develop, distribute or built upon without any restrictions. The proposal writer has also suggested the following clauses of monetization.
  • Those who will monetize a material, they have to share a predetermined percentage with the original creator. The percentage will be determined by the quantum of the used original unmodified work. The quantum will be calculated using a combination of algorithms and crowd sourced input.
  • A “Payright” register will be maintained to protect the creator’s work. The creator can post his work by an easy method like File>Save method. As soon as the content is submitted in the content register, the register will determine the uniqueness of the content. Unique content will be included in the “Payright” register.
  • The price will be set according to the rules of open market. There will be enough scope of bargaining.

We do not have to wait for the legislation to introduce the proposal. It can be implemented under existing copyright and patent laws. The proposal will guarantee the end users the freedom to use, study, modify and develop the creators’ works. Creator will get more money for more use of his work. On the contrary of the patent and copyright act, the payright will be an open source project.

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