A large number of databases are regularly created by government and private organizations to meet the specific requirements of the organizations. Some of the created data are not only serving the purpose of the creator, but it may be very much beneficial to the other people as well. As for example, Newton discovered the laws of gravitation. The scientists of all over world are still now working to create new theories using Newton's laws. From these theories, the people get the information about the mystery of the earth. If the scientists could not get access of Newton's laws, many mysteries of the universe could not be solved. Therefore, some types of data should be available to others for using, republishing and developing without restrictions of copyright, patent and other "Intellectual Property" laws. It is known as open data policy.
The movement for getting access to the open data is relatively new. The movement got the momentum with the introduction of World Wide Web. The individual, society, commercial establishments all along the countries are now capable of accessing, creating and sharing various types of information through internet. Empowered by the newly acquired information, the users of internet are now taking important decision, solving various problems, generating vast economic activities and taking effective steps to meet the challenges of natural calamities. Open data system is now also an important tool to increase the transparency of the public works and allow the conscious citizen to formulate effective policy and programs. However, the open data is not only restricted to only government data, it also focuses on the scientific, technical, mathematical, financial and medical data.
I am providing you the most important open data and their uses.
Scientific data: It is created from various scientific studiesof all categories from "A" to
"z". Anybody can get access to it from World Data Center System that
was instituted in the year 1957.
· Finance data: It includes the Government expenditure and revenue
collection, the balance sheet of companies, stock markets, shares and bonds.· Statistics: The data are used to indicate the progress of human development.
· Geo-Physical data: It creates the map of the region. It shows the location of buildings, roads and topographic position of the region.
· Weather: The data are obtained from the satellite image and other sources. The prediction is very much useful in case of accepting the challenge of natural calamities.
· Government data: Nowadays, most of the national Government publishes data to inform the citizens about the plan and program of the Government.
The above-mentioned data came from many sources. The main sources of data are governments, World Bank, UNESCO and various research papers.
Considering the importance of the open data system, many countries have started to open more and more data to the public. It has not only generated a huge amount of opportunities, it has also generated a large amount of businesses promoting creative ideas and reusing public data. However, there is a chance of misusing the data due to its open character. Therefore, each and every country has framed a legal framework to prevent the misuse of the open data system.
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